Did you know 2 out of 3 people don’t always feel appreciated at work?
Feeling valued is a fundamental human need – a lack of it can make you feel demotivated, unseen or taken for granted.
While you can’t control who shows appreciation or gratitude towards you, you can take the initiative and lead by example.
Showing gratitude is as fulfilling as receiving it – it benefits both parties and strengthens relationships. 🙏
As we step into the new year, here’s a challenge for you: express genuine appreciation or gratitude to three colleagues in the next 10 days – whether it’s your manager, direct report, peer, or someone from a different department.
It doesn’t have to be spontaneous; what matters is that it’s genuine and heartfelt.
Need some inspiration? Consider these questions:
• Who recently exceeded expectations or went above and beyond their role to support you? How did it make you feel?
• Which colleague has a positive character trait that you value? Share why you appreciate that trait and provide an example.
• Who made a positive impact on your team or your company’s culture? What was the result?
• Who offered valuable advice or insights that helped you progress on a project? How did it contribute to your success?
The more you show appreciation and gratitude, the more you’ll receive in return. 🔁
Imagine if everyone reading this takes up the challenge – we could kick off 2024 with a wave of positive energy and collaboration. Let’s make it happen! 🎇 💪
Lastly, I wish you an happy, fulfilling and successful 2024!
How I Connected To And Enhanced My Intuition
[Right hand] Hi David – how are you feeling today?
[Left hand] Pretty good, thanks.
[Right hand] Can you be a bit more specific?
[Left hand] I can. I feel…
This has been my morning ritual for the last few weeks—a dialogue with myself that opens a doorway to understanding better what I am feeling in any particular moment. Now, before you start thinking I’ve gone a bit bonkers, let me share why I’ve embraced this new habit.
For much of my life, I relied heavily on logic and reasoning to make sense of the world, absorbing knowledge and analyzing everything. While certainly having it’s merits, it did not significantly enhancing the quality of my life.
In recent years, I consciously shifted focus to the realm of feelings, aiming to elevate my emotional intelligence. This journey has been enriching, enabling me to cultivate more empathy, forge deeper connections, understand myself and others better, find more meaning and sharpen my intuition.
An essential tool to increasing emotional intelligence is to regularly check in with yourself to see what emotions are present in you in that moment.
Interested? You can find many easy-to-use apps out there to support you, like Mood Meter or Feeling Wheel.
Tomorrow kicks off the fourth chapter of my Co-Active Coaching Training, called Process, where intuition plays an important role. And as connecting more to your emotions improves intuition, I’ve created this new habit a few weeks ago. Every morning I set my alarm clock to engage in some self-dialogue.
These seemingly small steps into enhancing emotional intelligence can be investments with lifelong returns, in any field, whether it’s relationships, management or business.
Anticipating the next three days with an amazing group of people, I am committed to bringing not only myself but also a touch more intuition to the table.

My Journey To Become A Coach
Ever caught yourself thinking, ‘I know what’s right for you!’ 🤓 when someone shares a challenge or problem? Guilty as charged! My inner advice-giver used to kick into warp drive. 🚀
Over the past few weeks, I embarked on an exciting journey, completing both the Co-Active Training Institute Fundamentals course and the first leg of the Co-Active Intermediate training. What a month! I’ve connected with amazing people and soaked up invaluable knowledge.
My biggest revelation? Surprisingly (😉), I’m not here to serve as a walking encyclopedia of solutions. Each person is the expert of their own life, and the coach’s role isn’t to play the hero, but to empower and guide our clients.
So, how can a coach make a difference? In countless ways! From boosting self-awareness to unlocking hidden strengths, demolishing self-limiting beliefs, sculpting a personal or professional mission, and uncovering core values, to name a few.
You might wonder, ‘Aren’t core values and purpose just for businesses?’. The truth is, it’s for everyone! They grant you a powerful personal choice. To redesign all aspects of your life according to what truly matters to you, instead of being tossed around by life’s circumstances. 🌪
The Co-Active coaching model adds a dash of magic to these processes. Described as the ‘gold standard’ in coaching, this scientifically backed model creates a powerful connection between coach and client, which can lead to transformational change. In a short time, I’ve witnessed many times how effective this synergy is in helping clients achieve their goals. 💎
As my journey unfolds on LinkedIn, I warmly invite you to hop aboard. If you’re even a bit curious about coaching, send me a message. I would be thrilled to offer you a taste of coaching with a complimentary sample session.
I’d love to hear from you!