Yesterday, something amazing happened in Amsterdam.
After months of cold and rain, suddenly the mercury hit 18 degrees – very rare for a day in March. 🌞
This beautiful weather had a remarkable effect – it completely changed the city’s vibe. People were smiling more, looked happier, and seemed more energetic.
It reminded me of how much a change in environment can impact your mood.
I often see the same during coaching, where even moving to a new spot in the room can change your mood, perspective or feelings.
Let’s connect this to how many of our days look; spending hours behind screens.
Apparently, and I only stumbled upon this mind-blowing fact recently: Zoom didn’t exist 20,000 years ago ( 😲!!).
Our brains haven’t yet evolved to deal with Zoom-a-thons.
What can you do?
Create several of these mini-spring moments throughout your day.
Every few hours, go for a short walk outside.
Or put on your favorite song and dance.
Or do some stretching.
Anything that gets your body moving.
These changes in the environment work like resets for your brain.
As the picture below shows: your brain needs to recharge – you can’t win all those Nobel prizes on an empty battery.
(The test person at the bottom, the one whose brain doesn’t look microwaved, took short breaks between calls.)